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PrettyLitter Blog

We talk a lot about your cat’s health here at PrettyLitter. While we love cats and want you and your fur baby to enjoy long, fulfilling lives together, we also care just as much for our readers.

Discover the advantages of receiving pet supplies delivered to your doorstep and explore the convenience it brings to the lives of cat owners.

  • 6 min read
Despite our best efforts to always find our fur babies cute and adorable, it can be pretty disgusting when Kitty retches up a hairball – especially if you step on that nasty ball of fur and stomach contents in the middle of the night! But as a pet parent, you know occasional hairballs are just part of having a magnificent feline in your life. But what if Kitty is hawking them up daily? Is that normal? Or is it a sign that Fluffy needs to visit the vet? Here's what you need to know about hairballs and how you can help Kitty to live a healthier, hairball-free life.

Learn about the average lifespan of a cat. Discover factors that influence a cat's lifespan and tips for promoting a long, healthy life for your feline companion.

Discover the warning signs that your cat is experiencing a urinary tract infection. Read on and find out how to tell if your cat has a UTI.
  • 6 min read

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to treat your kitty from time to time, but it’s important to make sure the homemade cat treats or thecat birthday cake you’re giving them aren’t poisonous to cats. Something that might be a delicious snack for you could have serious consequences for your feline friend. 

You know your cat better than anyone else, so you know when something feels off. Perhaps they used to come up to you and demand that you play with their favorite toy mouse, but recently they’ve had a lot less energy.
  • 6 min read

Are you looking for a new way to give some TLC to your favorite feline friend? We’ve got just the thing: a catmassage!

There are many things to love about cats: their unique personalities, cute antics, and cuddly naps. But cat allergies are not on the list. Many cat owners and cat lovers struggle with allergies and are looking for ways to treat their allergies so they can continue loving their feline friends. 

  • 6 min read
Sometimes in life, we come across pairs that seem a little unusual: pineapple on pizza, Danny Devito and ArnoldSchwarzenegger playing twins, Cardi B and Nicki Minaj collaborating onMotorsport, and cats with owners that are allergic to them.
Having a kitty means having a litter box, and when your cat is having litter box problems, it can be frustrating. Litter box problems are one of the most common reasons why cats are re-homed or surrendered to shelters.
  • 7 min read
Not sure how to control your cat's litter box odor? Read on for some tips to reduce the litter box smell today.

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