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PrettyLitter Blog

Discover if cats are clean pets. Learn about their grooming habits, indoor benefits, and tips for a tidy living space with your feline friend.
  • 4 min read

Discover how often and why cats groom themselves. Learn about their grooming habits, health benefits, and tips for maintaining their hygiene and well-being.

  • 6 min read
Discover the key differences between PrettyLitter and Genius Litter to choose the best cat litter for odor control, longevity, and your cat's health.
  • 4 min read
Understand feline heat sensitivity, recognize signs of heat stress, and discover expert tips for providing shade, fresh water, cooling mats, and more. Read on!
  • 3 min read
Discover how cats see in the dark and their impressive night vision adaptations. Learn how PrettyLitter supports your cat’s health and comfort day to night.
  • 3 min read
Discover how often you should bathe a cat, the factors influencing bath frequency, and tips to keep your feline friend clean and healthy.
  • 3 min read
Explore the fascinating world of feline sleeping habits. Read on to uncover some interesting cat behaviors and find ways to deepen your bond.
  • 4 min read
Make moving with a cat stress-free. Learn how to prepare, transport, and settle your cat into their new home comfortably today.
  • 5 min read

Understand why your cat pees on clothes and find solutions. Learn about comfort-seeking behavior, health issues, and effective cleaning methods today.

  • 4 min read
Discover why cats choose to sleep on you and what it reveals about your bond. Understand cat sleeping behavior and how it reflects social connection today.
  • 4 min read

Ready to stop hating your cat litter?

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Up to 80% Lighter
Color-Changing Health Indicator
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