Moshe is an 11 year old Oriental Shorthair. Born in Virginia, he and a brother were to go to another family, but the family had backed out. I’d only planned on one kitten, but after meeting the two I could not separate them, and who could choose anyway? I certainly couldn’t leave without Moshe. He’d promptly attached himself to my then four year old son, crawling up onto his head and chewing on his hair. The price for both was exactly what I had in my wallet. It was meant to be, I thought. At the time, I didn’t realize how much joy these crazy cats would bring to our family.
Moshe is highly intelligent and affectionate. He talks. Constantly. He reminds me when it’s time for his meals and comments on whatever I’m doing. He loves his people (any people) and still runs to greet us at the door. In fact, he thinks anyone at the door is here to see him. Visitors stare at my chocolate bat-eared boy and ask, “Is that a cat?”
Moshe’s favorite foods include mandarin oranges, chicken livers, and shrimp. Of course shrimp, and he’d eat a pound in one sitting if I’d allow it.
He loves to play, enjoys wand toys, hide and seek, but he’s got a striking penchant for pipe cleaners—the fuzzier the better. He can blow through a pack of fifty in record time, batting them around, scattering them to the ends of the house. He loves pushing them under doors too and waiting to see who will fetch them out, much like a toddler testing his caregivers by pushing items off his high chair.
Moshe loves watching cat games and nature videos on YouTube, and his favorite TV is basketball and any Partridge Family episode.
He’s a celebrity at the nearby vet school. Moshe suffers from a few chronic illnesses, andunfortunately has required hospitalization on multiple occasions. He’s a trooper, and despite allthis, he manages to charm the people caring for him. I’ve been told that the veterinarians,students, staff, and volunteers have to line up to hold him! At night he sleeps in the bed, his cheek on mine. His whiskers tickle, but I don’t mind. He is my Moshe, my brown boy, and I can’t imagine a world without him.
One Fun Fact About Moshe:
Moshe is Hebrew for Moses = “of the water” which is appropriate since he loves to listen and watch while the dishwasher runs.
Moshe’s Favorite Pastimes
Wand toys, snuggling with people, eating
Moshe’s Most Mischievous Behaviors
Ingests plastic
If your cat could have one thing unlimited for the rest of time, what would it be?
Raw freeze dried rabbit food
Thank you for sharing your story, Jenny and Moshe!
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