Cats have a reputation for being aloof and even snobbish, but we know better, right? Here are just a few of our favorite cat-themed jokes and trivia tidbits to share the next time someone tells you cats aren't funny!
Cat Jokes:

A cheetah!
What’s the difference between a cat and a comma?
One has claws at the end of its paws. The other is a pause at the end of a clause.
The first cat said to the second cat, "That's not a canary. It's green!"
The second cat said, "I don't know. Maybe it's not ripe yet!"

What do you call a cat that's a really good swimmer?
The retail store.
They only have one tale.
Claw enforcement.
The outside.
The mewseum.
Tabby or not tabby, that is the question.
The Purr-litzer Prize.

- A wealthy, 94-year-old Italian woman named Maria Assunta passed away in 2011 and left her estate to her cat, Tommaso. What was this lucky kitty's take? A whopping $13 million! That'll buy a lot of catnip!
- Sir Isaac Newton invented the world's first cat flap. His cat, Spithead, kept pushing the door open and ruining his experiments that needed to be conducted in darkness. Newton then created the cat flap to save his experiments and allow Spithead to come and go as he pleased.
- There is a commemorative tower in Scotland built in honor of a cat named Towser. This prolific hunter caught nearly 30,000 mice in her lifetime!
- It's commonly believed that ancient Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats and own them as pets. However, the oldest known pet cat was found in a grave on the island of Cyprus. The grave is 9,500 years old--4,000 years older than the earliest known Egyptian artwork depicting cats!
- Staff members of Holland's embassy in Moscow, Russia, noticed that two Siamese cats living there kept meowing and clawing at the building walls. The owners investigated, expecting to find mice in the walls. Instead, they found microphones hidden by Russian spies; the cats heard the microphones when they turned on!
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