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Cats Acting Like Dogs, Birds, Humans

Loving funny cat photos, memes, and videos is the most common guilty pleasure in America. Ok, we made that stat up. But we wouldn’t be surprised if it’s absolutely true.

Every once in awhile, we need to indulge in that guilty pleasure and let the belly laughs roll.

Woof Woof

Cats have a strong reputation. But there’s the occasional odd ball who decides to break out of the feline sphere and take on a whole new persona. These are our favorite cats acting like dogs.


Tug of war… not just for dogs anymore.


This cat exudes dog-ness, from the adorable panting to the canine-like twitch of his ear.


Most cats keep their distance 23 hours per day. Dogs are the ones who usually don’t understand the concept of personal space. Guess this cat didn’t get the memo.

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Tired of your home smelling like you have a cat?

Cheep Chirp

You wouldn’t think cats would ever act like their prey, but it happens. Here are a few Sylvesters acting like Tweetys.


Bird bath, bird feeder, watering hole…. It’s all the same, right?


Ever wonder what it feels like to be a field mouse? This cat wants to show you.

Well, hello there.

Then there are the cats who may have spent too much time with humans. They’ve taken on some of our more… shall we say, iconic characteristics.


If this little guy reminds you of one of your kids, you’re not alone.


Apparently eating from a bowl is so below this furry guy. He prefers his bacon crispy, his pancakes fluffy, and his coffee black as night. And he’s not afraid to send it back to the kitchen if it’s not right.


We all see the resemblance. We don’t need to talk about it.


If you’ve ever accused your cat of laying around all day not doing a lick of work, this guy wants an apology.

At the end of the day, we all just want someone to relax with, be it cat, dog, bird, human or… No, it needs to be a cat.

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